Posted on
20 Feb, 2024
Correct Fitness
Weight loss is the overall drop in weight due to any body component, including fat, muscle, water, and more. While fat loss, as the name implies, refers to losing only excess fat from the body.
We lose weight by burning more calories then we take in. Not much else goes into that. Eat less and exercise more.
Fat loss on the other hand is a little more complicated but still easy to understand. For fat loss we want to keep our heart rate in between 70-80% of our max heart rate. This can be configured with an easy calculation of 220-Age=Max Heart Rate. There are more exact methods but this calculation will get you pretty close to what you need.
When we go above our fat burning levels we have reached the Cardio Zone. This Zone has more emphasis on working the Heart and will help burn plenty of calories but it will burn from wherever the body decides. The weight will come off from Muscle and Fat.
So make sure you know what you are wanting to do before putting your plan together. Working with a knowledgeable personal trainer makes this much easier so that you are not guessing every step of the way.