Fast Twitch Vs Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers
Fast Twitch Vs Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers

Fast-twitch muscle fibers are designed for quick, powerful movements. They are larger than slow-twitch fibers, and can generate more force in a shorter amount of time. Fast-twitch fibers are also more anaerobic, with less blood supply and fatigue quickly.  Fast-twitch muscle fibers are mainly used when the body needs to make sudden, more powerful movements. They are suited for short, fast bursts of activity that don't require as much oxygen. The more you work your fast-twitch muscle fibers, the stronger they'll be.  Some exercises that can help build fast-twitch muscle fibers include: • Box squats • Repeat hurdle jumps • Single leg squats • Six...

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Difference Between Weight Loss and Fat Burning
Difference Between Weight Loss and Fat Burning

Weight loss is the overall drop in weight due to any body component, including fat, muscle, water, and more. While fat loss, as the name implies, refers to losing only excess fat from the body.    We lose weight by burning more calories then we take in. Not much else goes into that. Eat less and exercise more.  Fat loss on the other hand is a little more complicated but still easy to understand. For fat loss we want to keep our heart rate in between 70-80% of our max heart rate. This can be configured with an easy calculation...

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